Priority permission and slot
Priority of slot coordination at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam as of February 15, 2024
The priority of slot coordination at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam applicable from February 15, 2024 regulated by the Ministry of Transport is as follows:

(1) The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) shall coordinate series of slots at the start of a season in the following order of priority:
- Historic slots and changes to historic slots that do not impact the slot coordination parameters;
- Changes to historic slots that impact the slot coordination parameters;
- Extended slots of the immediately preceding season;
- Slots of an airline operated at an airport for the first time (only giving priority to confirmation of 06 slots/day);
- Newly requested slots of an operating airline.
(2) The CAAV shall use additional criteria for coordination of the slots that are yet to be confirmed as specified in clause 1 of this Article and newly requested slots of operating airlines in the following order of priority:
- Effective period of series of slots extended from the start to the end of each season;
- Effective longer period of series of slots given first priority;
- New flights to and from a country;
- Slots of flights serving socio-economic purposes;
- International flights that are longer in distance;
- New flights to and from an airport;
- Series of slots returned by an airline in the corresponding previous season on a date no later than the series return deadline at the start of each season;
- Flights using large wide-body commercial aircraft.

(3) In the event that an initial series of slots is coordinated in the order of priority specified in clauses (1) and (2) but has not yet fully confirmed, it will be allocated one for one on each specific day and at specific time by airlines with correct utilization ratio in descending order during the corresponding season period immediately preceding that of the respective airport.